17 octubre 2021

How to install Open Office on Linux and Chromebook

These steps are for Linux Beta (chromebook), Debian or Ubuntu. 

Is it necessary java? If your are using OpenOffice for common tasks it's not necessary. According to openoffice site java environment is "mainly required for the HSQLDB database engine" - OO Base. 

In case you need to install java environment... On terminal copy & paste:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Steps to install OpenOffice:

1. Download openoffice from official site. For a modern Chromebook select Linux 64 bits DEB, select language and save in Downloads folder (inside Linux files folder).

Example: Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.11_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_es.tar.gz

2. On terminal, type and press enter:

cd Downloads  

3. Now extract the tar. gz file:

tar  xvf (YOUR FILE NAME. tar.gz) 


tar xvf Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.11_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_es.tar.gz

4. Type and enter:


cd es/DEBS  (Replace es for your language) 

sudo dpkg -i  *.deb

6. Type and enter to start installation:

cd desktop-integration/

sudo dpkg -i *deb

7. That's all... Now check up oo icons on your desktop. 

Notes about codes:

cd - to enter a folder. 

ls - to view a folder content. 

dpkg -i *deb - to unpack and install all. deb files

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